Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts

Hello Districts and Other Friends of Conservation!
We are your source of information about
ATSWCD-sponsored events,
programs, meetings, tours and training across the state.
ATSWCD is working to represent Texas SWCDs on
state and national levels.

Conservation Farmer
Aaron Reeves
Collin County SWCD #535
Outstanding SWCD
Gillespie County SWCD #220
Wildlife Conservationist
Gary Gardner
Upper Llanos SWCD #225
Conservation Rancher
Tretha Caddell
Lamb County SWCD #131
Conservation Teacher
Lynita Foster
Bedias Creek SWCD #428
Friend of Conservation
Keep Big Spring Beautiful
Howard SWCD #243
Junior Essay
Blaine Dahl
Hartley SWCD #152
Senior Essay
Tabor Christanelli
Lower Pease SWCD #162
Poster K-2nd Grade
Isabella Cervantez
West Nueces-Las Moras SWCD #236
Poster 3rd-6th Grade
Emme Davila
Jackson SWCD #336

Complete Listing of all Area Winners
The Association of Texas SWCDs and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board are pleased to announce the
2023 State Conservation Award Winners.
The purpose of the Texas Conservation Awards Program is to acknowledge, recognize and honor those who dedicate themselves and their talents to the conservation and wise use of our renewable natural resources.
2023 Events at a Glance
May 2023
May 17 ________________________________
Hill Country Association of SWCDs Meeting, Ft. McKavett, TX
Announcement Letter with RSVP Info, Tentative Agenda
June 2023
June 6 ________________________________
Deep East Texas Association of SWCDs Meeting,
Montgomery, TX
Announcement Letter with RSVP Info
June 26 - 28 ____________________________
Land Stewardship and Outdoor Education Workshop,
Junction, TX
Info Flyer and Registration Form
Registration deadline: June 5. See Registration Form for Additional Info
Soil and Water Stewardship Week
April 30 - May 7, 2023

Theme info, proclamation, press release and social media messaging
held October 22-24, in Galveston, TX
Bill Gray
receives the 2022 President's Award for excellence in conservation, ATSWCD's highest annual honor
Watch Video
Bill Gray, 2022 ATSWCD President's Award Winner
ATSWCD Immediate Past President Discusses the Impact of Drought on Texas Ranchers
Fayette county, July 26, 2022

Drought conditions hit Fayette County early this season | KVUE
ATSWCD Immediate Past President Rick Schilling was interviewed by KVUE about the severe drought and its impact on ranchers: watch his video interview above.
In the written article below, Schilling also notes the lessons he learned from the 2011 drought and talks about the conservation changes he made on his ranch to help prepare him for a better outcome during this drought.
Early Drought Conditions Worry Fayette County Leaders
Fayette County has the second-most declared disasters in Texas and faces extreme weather every year, from droughts to hurricanes.
Author: Mike Marut (KVUE)
Published: 11:18 PM CDT July 26, 2022
Updated: 11:18 PM CDT July 26, 2022
FAYETTE COUNTY, Texas — Drought conditions came early to Fayette County this year. "It's something we've had before, but what's historic this year is how quickly the heat has come and how long it has lasted," Fayette County Emergency Management Chief Craig Moreau said. According to Moreau, Fayette County has the second-most declared disasters in Texas. "We get it all: we get the tornadoes, we get the fires, we get the droughts, but we also get the hurricanes and the effects from a hurricane," Moreau said. "We had hundreds of homes under water during Hurricane Harvey." With the heat and dry conditions arriving early, ranchers like Rick Schilling see the impact now and later in the year. "2011 is the closest comparable, but in 2011 … we had some rains in the spring and it didn't get dry until, you know, later. We had an opportunity to make some hay in the spring, but this year, there's just been, you know, basically almost zero hay production," Schilling said. "As a rancher, what you have to do is, you have to make your hay during the summer, well, you know, during the growing season because you feed the hay during the winter when there's no green grass." Without green grass growing in his pastures now, Schilling jokes that his pastures are full of "standing hay." However, he learned his lessons in 2011 after the drought forced him to sell half his herd, some 120 cattle. At the time, he started making changes to his ranch so he and his cattle could better survive another drought. "When I bought this ranch, they were basically three pastures. I cut it up into 13 different pastures. That way I could rotate the cattle and not have them on one pasture too long," Schilling said. "I've done grass planning and brush control too as two other important factors." Even with his conservation efforts as a supporter of the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board, the drought still brings concerns. Muldoon Fire Chief Stephen Kelly worries fires have a greater chance of getting out of control quickly. "If any fire gets started, it's going to be more devastating and more difficult to control than in normal times. We haven't seen heat or drought like this in a very long time," Kelly said. "It taxes all of your resources because you've called mutual aid in, and so now you're pulling resources from their districts and their departments and things like that." Firefighters in Fayette County were called to a quickly extinguished brush fire just outside La Grange on Tuesday. Kelly and Moreau added that even if fires are put out quickly, neighbors need to be extra aware and careful. "The best thing that we want to get out there to everybody is don't burn. Don't do anything that might cause a spark: if you pull a trailer, you know, your chains and things like that," Kelly said. "I'd say don't barbecue, but if you're going to do that, make sure there's no issues there. Just think about it." "It's way better if we can stop them from happening in the first place. Don't drive over dry grass. Don't drive over high grass. If you're going to mow, raise the blade a little bit, so it's not producing sparks. Absolutely no using any fireworks right now or any outdoor flame because one spark and can lead to a multi acre fire, could cost somebody their home and could cost somebody their life," Moreau said. KVUE on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Mike Marut on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
"Healthy Soils, Healthy Life" was the focus of this year's Soil and Water Stewardship Week celebration, held April 24 - May 1, 2022. Soil and Water Stewardship Week highlights the conservation and preservation of natural resources and the importance of voluntary land stewardship in promoting a clean, healthy environment and continued strong economic growth for present and future generations.
SWCDs across Texas participated in the annual statewide campaign, providing conservation education and sponsoring events to encourage the wise and productive use of our state's vast natural resources.
Coastal Plains SWCD promotes Soil and Water Stewardship Week with Ag Container Recycle Day.
Area farmers took advantage of Coastal Plains SWCD's Ag Container Recycle Day, bringing in their plastic ag containers to be recycled by US Ag Recycling/Ag Container Recycling Council. Coastal Plains SWCD also offered Triple Rinse Jet Nozzles at the event, which was held at Fairchild Farmers Co-op Gin in Richmond, TX. This first ag container recycling day was a success, with farmers and USAG requesting it to be held annually.


Farmers brought in their plastic ag containers during Coastal Plains SWCD's Ag Container Recycling Day, held to recognize Texas Soil and Water Stewardship Week.
Pictured below: Texas Ag Commissioner Sid Miller signs Coastal Plains SWCD's Soil and Water Stewardship Week Proclamation. CPSWCD also obtained a proclamation signed by Governor Greg Abbott.


The 2023 Annual Soil Stewardship Public Speaking Contest Packet is Now Available

2021 Soil Stewardship Public Speaking Contest

Winners of the Texas FFA State Soil Stewardship Public Speaking Contest were announced at the 93rd Annual FFA Convention held July 5-9, 2021 in Fort Worth, Texas. ATSWCD sponsors the Stewardship Public Speaking Contest, providing scholarships to three top winners.

ATSWCD President Rick Schilling Congratulates the 2021 State Winners!
State Champion Breanna Jimenez - East Central FFA
Hailey Tucker, Second Place - Katy FFA
Avery Maas, Third Place - Magnolia FFA

Watch the premiere of the Soil Health Institute's Cotton & Covers, a Healthy Soils for Sustainable Cotton video series. The video series is part of the Healthy Soils for Sustainable Cotton project, which provides farmer-focused education and training events delivered by Soil Health Institute scientists, partnering with local soil health technical specialists and farmer mentors who have implemented successful soil health management systems.
Soil Health Workshops
Watch for Future Dates and Further Information
The two-day workshops offer an opportunity to learn from experts, interact with producers, and discover new techniques that assist in sustainability and profitability.
The 3rd Annual Soil Health Symposium
was held in Lubbock, TX
February 11-12, 2020
Details on upcoming
Soil Health Symposiums
Videos, pictures and info from
Soil Health Short Courses across the state

Fun Fact: Healthy soil is made of about 45 percent minerals, 25 percent water,
5 percent organic matter and 25 percent air!
Learn more facts about soil and
how to analyze soil quality
and improve your soil's health
Stop Soil Erosion
is the objective of
World Soil Day,
celebrated on December 5
and throughout the year
"Stop Soil Erosion, Save Our Future"
Sustaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being by:
Addressing the increasing challenges in soil management
Raising the profile of healthy soil
Encouraging governments, organizations, communities and individuals to engage in proactively improving soil health

All life is rooted in soil.
Healthy soil is vital to agricultural production and therefore essential to all living things.
Maintaining soil's healthy balance provides proper nutrients in food crops and grazing lands.
Soil Health
Conservation Awards Program
555 Edu and Outreach Activities Grant
Annual Soil Stewardship Week
District Soil Stewardship Week Award
District Quotas
FFA Leadership Development Program
More Information on Programs

Every week, ATSWCD Executive Director Tamara Daniel provides an e-newsletter update on national and state legislation, current events and other topics of importance to SWCDs.
District Clerks and Directors, sign up today and watch for Monday Minutes in your inbox!

75th Anniversaries
Read about SWCDs celebrating 75th anniversaries
Texas Districts, showcase your SWCD in the District Spotlight by submitting a brief article and picture to:

Your sponsorship level includes a gate sign(s) to display your support of ATSWCD